

This project book would not have been possible without the guidance and help of the several individuals who have helped and contributed and extended their valuable assistance in the preparation and completion of this project.

First and foremost our utmost gratitude to out headmistress Mrs Anthony Mary Abel whose sincerity and encouragement we will never forget. Mrs Selvy Ramasamy, our senior assistant has been our inspiration as we hurdle all the obstacles in the completion of this project. Not forgotten our unselfish and unfilled supporter, our dissertation Mrs Pushpah Kandasamy and also encouragement from all the teachers.

Our deep sense of gratitude to Mr.M.Muthukumar (Production Engineer) from Texas instrument company for his support and guidance for make the project’s device successful.

We highly indebted to principle of SMK Bukit Mewah and  the school physics teacher for their guidance as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project.

We would like to convey our deepest gratitude and wishes to our Teacher's Activity Centre Advisor Mr Thanesh Balakrishnan and Mr Helmey Tamizi bin Md Yassin who had given a good guidance to proceed our Project Based Learning at State Level PBL Competition held by Bahagian Teknologi Pendidikan Negeri, Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus.

Last but not least, our families and the one above all of us the omnipresent God for answering our prayers for giving the strength to pass through the project.


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